Art Exhibition of Bernadette Ponsaerts
Local artist!
A new exhibition from March 16 to April 28, 2024
Visit the artist Madame Bernadette PONSAERTS as she exhibits her acrylic artwork from March 16 to April 28, 2024
Tel: 0478551015
E: bernadette.ponsaerts@gmail.com
Opening according to museum hours:
Tuesday to Friday always from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The 2nd and 4th weekend of each month
Rue St-Christophe, 1 - 4287 Racour
019/51.04.28 - Free entry

Attraction touristique de la Région Wallonne avec deux soleils

Tourist attraction of the Walloon Region awarded two suns status
Housed in the old school facing the Church of St. Christopher, the Museum of Life of Yesteryear offers seven rooms that testify to the way of living in the countryside a hundred years ago: in Clementine's kitchen, here is how to eat, make bread, cook, laundry, before electricity...
Next to it, the “santons” (figurines) illustrate the life of the village with the different trades; costumes, objects and documents testify to the associative life.
Agriculture to the rhythm of draft horses, the extraction of tufa, the know-how of craftsmen: it is a dive into the world of our great-grandparents. The history of our villages is evoked until the turmoil of the two wars. The classroom and its wooden benches excite visitors... and the village café, so friendly, ends the visit pleasantly.
The Museum hosts exhibitions of artists that are renewed every two months.
Address : Rue Saint-Christophe, 1
4287 Racour (Lincent)
Timing: From Tuesday to Friday and the 2nd and 4th WE of each month,
always from 1pm to 5 pm.
All year round by appointment.
Contact : Anny Lecocq
0496 654219
019 510428
Free guided tours in FR NL (EN on request)
Visits adapted to nursery and primary schools
Practical workshop: from grain to bread, the children leave with their loaf of bread!
- Educational offer 2022 to download in French
Be sure not leave the area without visiting our classified churches: the Saint-Christophe church in Racour and the ruins of the Saint-Pierre church in Lincent.